
🚀What's New

Sourcing Optimizer

RFI Automatic Scoring

In this release, we are pleased to announce the introduction of the Automatic Scoring feature for RFI Scoring. This new feature enables purchasers to automatically score certain question types, including Single Choice, Multiple Choice, and Number, based on a configurable matrix. The Automatic Scoring feature can be enabled or disabled for the entire RFI, with the default setting being disabled. Additionally, purchasers have the flexibility to enable or disable automatic scoring on a per-question basis. It is important to note that question types such as Text, File Upload, Currency, and Date Selection will not be automatically scored, but they will still be available for manual evaluation.

Figure 1. Design > RFI > Settings > Automatic scoring

Capacity limits worksheet

We've added a valuable feature to the Bid Analysis report – now, you can effortlessly view capacity limits per bidder organization. To see the Capacity limits worksheet in the Bid analysis report, Capacity limits must be toggled on in the Event Settings. When Capacity Limits is disabled, the Capacity Limits sheet will not appear in the Bid Analysis report.

Figure 2. Design > Event Settings > Capacity

Figure 3. Analyze > Bid Analysis > Table > Generate report


Keelvar APIs

Keelvar provides a comprehensive set of RESTful APIs designed to seamlessly integrate with our platform, offering a range of functionalities to enhance your procurement processes. These APIs are flexible, scalable, and user-friendly, facilitating smooth interactions with various upstream and downstream applications. Whether you need to import data, export for analysis, or monitor real-time updates, Keelvar's APIs are your go-to solution for robust integration.

Figure 4. Keelvar APIs

Key management

The Keelvar API uses API keys for authentication. When you use the API, you are assigned an API key that is specific to your organization. Each organization can have multiple API keys. The owner of the organization has exclusive access to manage these keys in the Org settings.

🛠️Domain change

We've upgraded the security of Keelvar by changing our domain name from to To access the Keelvar app, please use the updated link - If you attempt to open the old URL, you will be automatically redirected. This change also applies to your bidders.

We recommend that you bookmark the new URL to access Keelvar Sourcing Optimizer and Autonomous Sourcing.