Workflow orchestration: Bid

At the Bid stage of the workflow, you can configure the following settings:


  • Edit the step name
  • Toggle on Add suppliers from outside the Supplier group to enable users to invite Suppliers from outside the Supplier group during an event
  • Toggle on Enable bid simulation for demo or test purposes
Screenshot 2024-11-12 at 12.39.14.png
Figure 1. General configuration


  • Schedule multiple bidding rounds
  • Use the radio button to exclude weekends from the timeline
  • Use conditional steps to:
    • Delay round start
    • Conditionally close round
    • Conditionally close bidding
  • Use +Add reminder to:
    • Remind Bidders who have not accepted the invite
    • Remind Bidders who have not bid
    • Update team members with a Bidder activity report
  • Add multiple rounds by selecting + Add round
Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 10.24.26.png
Figure 2. Schedule multiple rounds


  • Automatically assign the user who created the request to this step by toggling on Auto-assign to requester
  • Select Direct assignment to directly select users or teams in your organization that will be assigned to take action on the step
  • Select Conditional assignment to create conditional rules under which specific users or teams will be assigned to take action on the step
  • Users assigned to the Bid step — and users with the Bot Owner bot role — are added with the Admin team member role in the event that is created by the request.
Screenshot 2024-11-12 at 12.45.08.png
Figure 3. Assignment configuration


Configure which notifications will be sent for the step by toggling on or off the relevant notification:

  • Toggle on At step to notify watchers that a request has reached the step
  • Toggle on Step completed to notify watchers that bidding has closed
Screenshot 2024-11-12 at 12.45.43.png
Figure 4. Notification configuration