
After you have finished creating your Bot, you can publish it to make it live available for creating requests.

When you click on the publish tab, you will see one of two statuses displayed in yellow.

  1. You have unpublished changes: This status indicates that there have been changes and edits made to the Bot since it was last published. A summary of these changes will be shown in a banner. It is important to review and verify these changes before publishing the Bot.
  2. This bot is up to date: If this status is displayed, it means that no changes have been made to the form, workflow, or step configurations since the Bot was last published. This banner simply informs you that the Bot is already up to date and there are no pending changes to publish.

In some cases, the publish tab may display a red banner. This indicates that there are issues that need to be resolved before you can publish the changes.

  1. The following issues need to be resolved before publishing changes: This banner notifies you that there are specific issues that need to be addressed before you can publish the event. It is important to resolve these issues before attempting to publish the Bot.
Figure 1. Publish an event