Adding an Integration column

Adding an Integration column enables you to configure connected integrations with our Keelvar partners.

You can add an Integration column to your bid sheet from the Add a column area of the Columns tab.

  1. Navigate to the Columns page on the Bid Sheet tab, in the Design menu 
  2. Select add on the Integration column option
  3. On the column configuration form, select your integration type from the dropdown 
  4. Configure the form options, and select Save changes
  5. Navigate to the Integrations page on the Bid Sheet tab, and select Import
  6. Configure the import options either as Update empty cells, or Update all and select Import
  7. Once imported, navigate to the Lots page and the new column will now be visible
Screenshot 2024-06-25 133802.png
Figure 1. Add an Integration column

Configuring an Integration column

For configuration, please refer to the detailed article about the integration you want to use.