Input field types

To configure lookup and auto-population of intake form fields you can leverage your organization's datasets

First, select the field in the form that will be used as the lookup:

  1. From the Field type dropdown list, select Lookup
  2. From the Dataset name dropdown list, select the dataset you want to use as the lookup
  3. In the Select searchable fields, select the checkboxes of each field in the dataset you want to be searched as part of the lookup
  4. From the Search field to return dropdown list, select the dataset field that will autofill this field as part of the lookup
  5. Click Update
Next, select any other field you want autofilled as part of the lookup.
  1. From the Field type dropdown list, select Short answer text or Long answer text
  2. From the Autofill lookup field, select the field which has been designated as the Lookup field
  3. From the Autofill result field, select the dataset field that will autofill this field as part of the lookup
  4. Click Update

Text field types

  • Short answer text: Displays as a text-type input field for small amounts of text input. Field expects text
  • Long answer text: Displays as a text-type input field for larger amounts of text input. Field expects text
  • Single select: Displays as a dropdown field with a list of selectable options. Enter one option per line
  • Radio: Displays as a radio-style field with a list of selectable options. Enter one option per line
  • Date and time: Date and time selector using a calendar and time input
  • Lookup: Select a dataset and configure lookup and autofill settings for the field. Lookup fields can be referenced by other fields using the Autofill lookup field configuration

Number field types

  • Basic number: Displays as a number-type input field. Field expects a number
  • Single select: Displays as a dropdown field with a list of selectable options. Enter one option per line
  • Lookup: Select a dataset and configure lookup and autofill settings for the field. Lookup fields can be referenced by other fields using the Autofill lookup field configuration