Xeneta Air

The new Xeneta Air integration enhances the import of benchmark air freight rates, allowing users to easily enrich bid sheets with market data. This extension improves decision-making, supplier feedback, and streamlines processes for air freight events.

Data in scope

The Xeneta Air integration offers users easy access to benchmark air freight rates, enhancing benchmarking, supplier feedback, savings analysis, and process efficiency. Users can import and compare bid prices to market benchmarks, helping identify outliers and align with market standards for better supplier negotiations. With current benchmark data, buyers can set competitive rates, provide actionable feedback, and improve bid quality. The integration also quantifies potential savings by comparing bids to benchmarks, facilitating effective negotiations. It automates the import of benchmark data, reducing manual effort and ensuring accurate evaluations.

Connecting the Xeneta Air benchmark with Keelvar

The integration can be enabled in the Keelvar platform under Account Settings by entering the authentication key provided by Xeneta.

  1. To access your Account settings, click on your email address at the top right of the screen, and then select Account settings
  2. Select the Integrations tab
  3. Click the Connect button
  4. Enter your Authentication key in the pop-up modal
Untitled-1 (12).png
Figure 1. Enabling an integration 

Adjusting your integration key

To edit your Integration Key:

  1. Select Edit
  2. Enter the adjusted Authentication key
  3. Click Save changes

To disconnect your Integration Key:

  1. Select Disconnect
  2. Confirm by selecting Disconnect on the confirmation modal

Configuring the integration column

You will need to add the relevant benchmarking columns in your sourcing event.

The benchmarking rates are provided based on the origin and destination port codes and the equipment type. You will need to define which columns of your bid sheet contain the information needed to import the data. The benchmark rates will be displayed in integration columns within the bid sheet, allowing for easy comparison and analysis.

You can add multiple benchmark columns in your bid sheet. Once the integration is set up, you can import data by selecting the option to either update only empty cells or overwrite all cells in the bid sheet.

The benchmark rates will only be provided in USD. If necessary, you can handle the currency conversion using the currency conversion features in Keelvar.

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Figure 2. Configure the integration form
# Function Explanation
A Integration type Select the benchmark integration
B Name Enter a name for the column
C Description Enter a description for the column
D Visibility Select Visible to bidders, or Hidden from bidders
E Origin airport/region column Defines the origin location of the requested market rate data. Can either be IATA airport code or a region as defined in the Xeneta platform. 
F Destination airport/region column

Defines destination location of the requested market rate data. Can either be IATA airport code or a region as defined in the Xeneta platform.

G Weight bracket

Defines the weight category of the requested rate data.

Accepted values are: less_than_45kg, greater_than_45kg, greater_than_200kg, greater_that_500kg, and greater_than_1000kg

H Service level

Defines the service level of the requested rate data.

Accepted values are: upper_tier, mid_tier, lower_tier, lower_and_mid_tier, and passive.

I Benchmark date

Historical date from which the benchmark is retrieved.

J Value

The value that should be inserted into the bid sheet.

Options include: low, mean, high, and extra metadata regarding the actual origin and destination used for generating the response.

Take a look at our Xeneta Benchmark integration webinar in Keelvarsity to learn more.

Important to know

  • Current SO customers with an active Xeneta license. A unique API key from Xeneta for accessing benchmark data is required. Each request (API call) will target a specific lane and equipment type combination, requiring customers to manage their request allowances accordingly. They can talk to their CSM or Sales Director if they need a request package.
  • Each request counts towards an allowance. Only requests that result in a benchmark being returned will count toward a user's allowance. No benchmark available means no charge. The system will automatically de-duplicate requests when different columns can be populated by one request. 
  • Not at this stage. We can invite them to share feedback with their CSM
  • The number of API calls is tracked, and charges are based on the number of successful data retrievals. Each call corresponds to the number of lanes multiplied by the number of rate columns.
  • The integration has internal parameters to use regional rates or expand the search criteria (e.g., from three-month to six-month contracts) to ensure data availability. When no benchmark is available, this means no charge/use of allowance too.
  • An API call is a request made by one application to another to retrieve data. In this context, it refers to the requests made by Keelvar to Xeneta to fetch air freight rate data.
  • Typically depends on the number of lots in the bid sheet
  • A request will typically involve a distinct Origin, Destination, Service level and Weight Bracket. Note that multiple values from within a 31-day date range can be retrieved in a single request.
  • No, you are only charged for successful data retrievals. If no data is available for a request, it should not count towards your usage.
  • It's like our own usage allowances at Keelvar - you're allowed over your limit, but you will be charged for a higher limit on the next billing cycle.
  • No, you can only use the services you have paid Xeneta for. If you have paid for air data, you cannot use air data unless you also pay for it.
  • The rate limiting for our API is based on API Key and is considered a soft limit. Users should not expect to encounter HTTP 429 errors (Too Many Requests). While we monitor API usage and have established reasonable thresholds, there is no automated blocking of access based on predefined limits.