General Updates
Xeneta Air integration
The new Xeneta Air integration simplifies the import of benchmark air freight rates, allowing users to enrich bid sheets with market data. This enhancement improves decision-making, supplier feedback, and streamlines air freight processes. Users can easily access and compare bid prices to market benchmarks, helping identify outliers and improve negotiations. With up-to-date benchmark data, buyers can set competitive rates, provide actionable feedback, and enhance bid quality.
Sourcing Optimizer
Automatically add Bidders to a group
Bidder groups via RFI scoring are now available to all customers, enhancing scenario evaluations by allowing purchasers to compare suppliers on factors beyond cost. Purchasers can now automatically add Bidders to a group based on specific criteria, including total score or scores from specific questions during bidding.
RFI offline submission
Importing RFI questions is essential for bidders, allowing them to manage their responses more efficiently. This process streamlines inquiries and enables bidders to prepare answers offline, ensuring thoughtful and thorough responses. Once ready, bidders can easily upload their answers, simplifying submission and minimizing errors.
RFI only events
In the first round of the bidding process, you now have the capability to limit Bidder access exclusively to the RFI page. This means that Bidders will not have the ability to view or interact with any other sections, such as the bid sheet or the capacity pages, until the following round. This configuration also allows a Purchaser to run RFI only events.
Bulk add team members
You now have the capability to add multiple team members to an event simultaneously, which can be done from the Team tab located on the Overview page. It's important to note that even when team members are added in bulk, each user is still treated as a distinct individual within the context of the event.
Toggle off validation rules
Users can now disable all validation rules with a single switch, saving time on individual toggles. When turned off, all rules remain disabled across pages.