Uploading Supporting Documents

You can upload supporting documents for bidders on the Documents tab. This feature enables you to provide supplementary information, files, or documentation to all bidders or specific bidders.

By default, the uploaded documents are visible to all bidders. After you upload the documents, you can configure which bidders they are visible to if required.

Figure 1. Documents tab

Each supporting document cannot exceed 3GB in size.

Uploading Supporting Documents

You can upload individual supporting documents or bulk-upload up to 10 supporting documents at one time.

Figure 2. Uploading Supporting Documents

To upload supporting documents, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Design > Overview.
  2. Click the Documents tab.
  3. In the top-right corner of the page, click Upload documents.
  4. Drag and drop the files into the upload area, or else click choose files, navigate to the location of the files, select the files, and then click Open.
  5. After the files have been processed and uploaded, click Continue.

After you upload documents, you can re-order, edit, download, or delete them on the Documents tab.

Figure 3. Documents tab - Supporting Documents list
  1. Arrange documents: Click Arrange documents to rearrange how the documents appear in the Supporting Documents list.
  2. Name: Lists the name of the documents. Click the document name to edit the document settings.
  3. Visibility: Lists the visibility settings of each document.
  4. Actions: Click the Actions icon to access the options to edit the document, download the document, or delete the document.

Editing uploaded Supported Documents

After the supporting documents have been uploaded, you can add descriptions and configure visibility settings for each document.

Document configuration area
Figure 4. Document configuration area
  1. In the Supporting Documents list, in the Name column, click the document you want to edit.
  2. Optional: Add a description of the uploaded document.
    1. On the left side of the page, under the document you uploaded, click Add description.
    2. Enter a description in the text field.
    3. Click Save.
  3. Optional: Configure which bidders the document is visible to.
    1. Click Edit visibility.
    2. Deselect the checkboxes of the bidders you do not want the document to be visible to, or deselect the All checkbox, and then select the checkboxes of the bidders you do want the document to be visible to.
    3. Click Save.
  4. Optional: Copy the visibility settings of another uploaded document.
    1. Click Copy visibility from.
    2. Click the document you want to copy the visibility settings of.
    3. Click Copy.