You can add multiple rounds or stages to your event schedule. You can set a specific time for a round to start or set the new round to begin after the previous round closes.
If the event has multiple rounds or stages, the current round must be awarded before the next round can begin. For more information, see Award.

To add a bidding round to an event, complete the following steps:
- Go to Design > Schedule.
- On the Schedule tab, in the Event schedule area, click Add a round.
- Set the time that bidding starts for the round.
- To set a specific time for the round to begin, complete the following steps:
- In the Bidding starts section, click change.
- Click At specific time…
- In the Start date field, enter the start date in the form YYYY-MM-DD, or click the Calendar icon and select the date.
- In the Start time field, using the 24-hour format, enter the start time, or select the time using the arrows.
- Click save.
- To set the round to begin after the previous round closes, complete the following steps:
- In the Bidding starts section, click change.
- Click Once previous stage closes…
- Click the Interval field.
- Select or enter the interval between the rounds using the days, hours, and minutes values.
- Click save.
- To set a specific time for the round to begin, complete the following steps:
- Set the time that bidding ends for the round.
- In the Bidding ends section, click change.
- In the End date field, enter the start date in the form YYYY-MM-DD, or click the Calendar icon and select the date.
- In the End time field, using the 24-hour format, enter the start time, or select the time using the arrows.
- Click save.
- Optional: Repeat Steps 2-4 to create additional rounds.