Validation rules tab

You can add, arrange, copy, edit, and delete validation rules on the Validation rules tab.

Validation rules can be used to control bid validation; they help ensure that you receive consistent data from bidders.

There are three types of validation rules available:

  • The Consistency rule
  • The Coverage rule
  • The Condition rule.
Screenshot 2025-01-15 at 10.43.54.png
Figure 1. Validation rules tab
  • Search area: Use the Enter search text field to search rules
  • Configure all: Enable all rules, or disable all rules
  • Arrange rules: Click the Arrange rules button to re-order rules
  • Add rule: Add a rule using the Add a rule button
  • Rules list: This area lists the created validation rules. Use a rule’s toggle switch to enable or disable the rule
  • Rule actions: Click a rule’s Actions icon to open its Rule actions menu. You can edit, disable, delete, or copy a validation rule from this menu