- Search: Use the Search field to search lots. The list of lots updates as you type.
- Pagination controls: This area lists the lot number range you are currently viewing. Click the number range to edit the number of displayed lots or to jump to a page. Use the Left arrow and Right arrow icons to navigate to other lot pages.
- Lots overview: This table displays the bonus or malus configured for each lot.
- Configuration dropdown: This dropdown opens when you click an Edit icon in a lot row.
To configure lot bonuses or maluses online, complete the following steps:
- Go to Invite > Bidders.
- Click the Bonus/malus tab.
- In the Bidders overview area, click Edit in the bidder row you want to configure lot bonuses or maluses for. The Edit bonus/malus view opens.
- Click the Edit icon in the lot row you want to configure the bonus or malus for.
- Use the % bonus/malus column to apply the adjustment as a percentage of the bid.
- Use the Turnover bonus/malus column to apply the adjustment as a fixed value to the bid.
- Configure the bonus or malus.
- To apply a bonus to the lot, which lowers the bid, enter a positive number.
- To apply a malus to the lot, which raises the bid, enter a negative number.
- Click Save.