Configuring lot visibility for bidders online

Figure 1. Edit visibility view
  1. Search: Use the Search field to search lots. The list of lots updates as you type.
  2. Pagination controls: This area lists the lot number range you are currently viewing. Click the number range to edit the number of displayed lots or to jump to a page. Use the Left arrow and Right arrow icons to navigate to other lot pages.
  3. Lots overview: This table displays the lot visibility status of each lot for the bidder.
  4. Configuration dropdown: This dropdown opens when you click the Edit icon in a lot row.

To configure lot visibility online, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Invite > Bidders.
  2. Click the Visibility tab.
  3. In the Bidders overview area, click Edit in the bidder row you want to configure lot visibility for. The Edit visibility view opens.
  4. Click the Edit icon in the lot row you want to configure visibility for.
  5. Configure the lot visibility.
    • Click Visible to make the lot visible to the bidder.
    • Click Hidden to hide the lot from the bidder.
  6. Click Save.