Invitations tab

You can add, arrange, search, edit, and delete bidder organizations and individual contacts from bidder organizations on the Invitations tab. You can also reset all bidder contact information to remove personally identifiable information (PII) on this tab.

Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 10.58.40.png
Figure 1. Invitations tab
  1. Bidder list: This table lists all the bidder organizations that have been added to the event, all contacts from the organizations, their email, and their current invite status. Click the Actions icon in a bidder row to access additional options to send an invite, edit the contact or bidder organization details, and delete the contact or bidder organization.
  2. Search and filter: Search the bidder list using the name of the organization or contact, and filter the bidder list by the invite status of the contact.
  3. Send invites:  
    • Schedule invites: Schedule invites for uninvited bidders at a specific date and time. This will include all bidders, even those added after the invites are scheduled. Once scheduled, use the Edit_icon.pngedit icon to change a scheduled invite, and the Delete_icon.png delete icon to delete a scheduled invite. An unsuccessful operation will send an email to the scheduler with the failure reason and a link to reschedule or send.
    • Send all unsent invites: Send all invites that have not yet been sent
  4. Import bidders: Download a Bidder Invitations Excel template that can be configured offline and then uploaded to add multiple bidders at once
  5. Add bidder: Click to add a bidder and configure their details online.
  6. Actions icon: Click to access additional options to send all unsent invites, arrange bidders in the bidder lists, or reset the contact information for all bidders.
  7. Pagination controls: Click the number range to edit the number of bidders per page or to jump to a page. Use the Left arrow and Right arrow icons to navigate to other pages.