Messages page

You can communicate with bidders in Sourcing Optimizer using the Messages page. You can send messages to all bidders, specific groups of bidders, or individual bidders.

Sourcing Optimizer offers one-way and two-way messaging. You can add attachments to your messages, and you can configure if bidders can add attachments to their messages. For more information on configuring messages settings, see Configuring the Messages settings.

You can send messages to bidders who have not yet been invited to the event or bidders that have not accepted the invite; after the bidder accepts the invitation and opens the event, they can view the messages.

Messages page
Figure 1. Messages page
  1. Channels area: This area lists the available channels that you can use to communicate with bidders.
    • Broadcast: Select this channel to send a message to every bidder in the event. You can also use this channel to send a message to a specific selection of bidders using the Select bidders feature in the Compose message area.
    • Bidders: Select a bidder's channel from this section to communicate directly with that bidder. You can use the Search bidders field to filter the list of bidder channels and quickly find the relevant bidder.
      The Bidders section lists the bidders under groups based on their invite status.
      Invite accepted: The bidder has been invited to the event and has accepted the invitation.
      Invited: The bidder has been invited to the event but has not yet accepted the invitation.
      Not invited: The bidder has been added to the event but has not yet been invited.
      Not participating: The bidder has been invited to the event but has declined to participate.
  2. Message history: This area displays the selected channel's sent and received messages.
  3. Compose message area: Click to open the message area, write your message, and send it. You can also add attachments to your message.