In procurement and sourcing processes, the incumbent is the supplier who currently holds the contract for the goods or services being sourced. When you are running an event, you can specify which bidder is the incumbent for each lot. This information can be used later for analysis purposes.
You can configure lot incumbency for bidders on the Incumbency tab. For each lot, you can set as many suppliers as you want as the incumbent. You can configure incumbency online using Sourcing Optimizer, or offline using a downloaded template.
If the file you are downloading exceeds Excel row limitations — approximately 1,000,000 rows — it is automatically converted to a comma-separated values (CSV) file. If you open a CSV file that exceeds Excel limitations in Excel, the data beyond the limits will not display. Use a different program to open the file. In addition to Excel files, you can also upload CSV files.
- Bidders overview: This area lists the bidders and the number of lots the bidder is the incumbent for. Click Edit to configure lot incumbency for a bidder.
- Search area: Use the Search field to search for bidders. The list of bidders updates as you type.
- Upload area: In this area you can download the Bidder Configuration Excel template. After you populate the file, return to this area to upload it to Sourcing Optimizer. This file is updated with any bidder configurations made in Sourcing Optimizer. You can download the file at any time for an up-to-date status report listing the bidder configuration details.