Bidders page

The Bidders page provides an overview in table format of bidder activity in the event. You can also search bidders, manage their access to the event, preview the event from the perspective of a bidder, and download a bidder activity report on the Bidders page.

Bidders page
Figure 1. Bidders page
  1. Search area: Use the dropdown to select different search criteria; use the Enter search text field to search specific text or select options, depending on what search criterion is selected.
  2. Manage bidder access: Click to open the Manage bidder access area. From here, you can manage event access for all bidders.
  3. Download report: Click to download an up-to-date report on bidder activity in Excel format.
  4. Actions: A number of actions are available using the Preview button and Actions icon.
    • Preview: Preview the event from the perspective of the bidder.
    • Unlock bid-sheet: Unlock the bid sheet for the bidder.
    • Block bidder: Block the bidder from accessing the event or give them read-only access.
    • Unblock bidder: Unblock the bidder and give them access to the event.
  5. Bidder activity overview: This table provides a range of information about bidder activity.
    • Bidder: Displays the bidder organization name. The color of the icon next to the organization name indicates their online status; green indicates that someone from the organization is currently online; amber indicates that someone from the organization was recently online; and gray indicates that no one from the organization has been online recently. Hover over the icon for additional information.
    • RFI Answers: Displays the number of RFI responses submitted.
    • Lot Bids: Displays the number of lot bids submitted.
    • Discounts: Displays the number of discounts the bidder has been awarded.
    • Status: Displays a status for the bidder, indicating their access, whether or not they have completed the RFI, if they are bidding, if they have marked I'm Finished Bidding, and other information.
    • Rank (Auction-only): If Global Rank is turned on, this displays the bidder’s rank across all lots.
    • Last Bid: Displays the last time a bidder submitted a bid.