Pausing an event


Pausing an event suspends bidding, and enables you to update and edit certain features and settings in the event.

When an event is paused, you can perform the following actions:

  • Edit, add or remove columns
  • Add or remove lots
  • Add secondary currencies
  • Invite new bidders to the event
  • Change lot visibility
  • Upload a modified event design
  • Place or modify bids on behalf of bidders
  • Change the cost calculation formula
  • Update column roles
  • Modify lot bonus/malus

For a detailed list of specific actions that do and do not require an event to be paused, see Table 1.

Pausing an event

To pause an event on the Management page, click on the Pause button on the Manage event card. A confirmation modal appears on the screen to verify if you would like to proceed with the action. Each confirmation modal will give you the option to click a checkbox to automatically notify bidders of the update. Only bidders who have accepted the event invitation will receive an email. Blocked bidders are not notified.

You can also pause the event by clicking the Pause icon above the main menu on the left side of the window. If you pause an event directly from the main menu using the Pause icon, you cannot configure the option to notify bidders. 

Figure 1. Pausing an event from Manage event card

Bidder view on event pause

When an event is paused, the Bidder's access to event information is restricted. This means that they cannot view any new details or updates regarding the event, and their communication with the event organizer is limited to sending messages.

Figure 2. Bidder view when an event is paused

Validating and resuming an event

After you finish modifying the event, you must validate and resume the event to allow bidders to continue bidding. Validation ensures that any changes made while the event is paused do not cause errors. For more information, see Resuming an event.

Figure 3. Validate and resume an event

Actions that require the event to be paused

For some event updates, bid sheet changes, and setting modifications, you must pause the event. However, certain actions do not require the event to be paused. Because pausing an event impacts the available bidding time, it is useful to understand which specific actions require the event to be paused and which actions do not. You can easily configure additional time to compensate for the event being paused; however, certain bidders may only be available to bid at specific times. Minimizing event disruption whenever possible helps ensure a better and simpler experience for bidders.

Table 1 provides a comprehensive list of the actions that do and do not require the event to be paused. The actions are grouped by the feature or area of the application they relate to.

Table 1. Actions that require/do not require the event to be paused
Feature Action Pause?
Event Overview
Editing the Event information No
  Adding a supporting document No
  Deleting a supporting document No
  Editing the Bidder visibility of a supporting document No
  Adding a secondary currency Yes
  Editing Messages settings No
Editing the Bidding ends time for a round No
Adding a question No
  Deleting a question No
  Editing a question No
  Adding a Category to a question No
  Editing RFI Response configuration — if no bidder has yet replied to a question No
Bid sheet — Columns
Adding a Visible, Mandatory/Optional, Purchaser-input Text/Numeric/Formula column Yes
  Adding a Hidden, Mandatory/Optional, Purchaser-input Text/Numeric/Formula column Yes
  Adding a Visible, Mandatory/Optional, Bidder-input Text/Numeric column Yes
  Updating the Lot Identifier column Yes
  Editing the decimal precision for Hidden/Visible, Purchaser-input/Bidder-input columns Yes
  Editing a Column role Yes
  Assigning a Column role to a column Yes
  Editing a Bidder-input column to limit the values that can be provided Yes
  Editing a column Type Yes
  Editing a column Requirement Yes
  Editing a column Name Yes
  Editing a Hidden/Visible, Purchaser-input, Numeric/Text column Yes
  Editing the Visibility for a Mandatory/Optional, Purchaser with Bidder Specific Values-input, Numeric/Text column No
  Editing the Visibility for a Purchaser-input column Yes
Bid Sheet — Lots Adding new lots Yes
  Making lots Hidden to Bidders — in situations where the bidder has bid on the lot and where the bidder has not bid on the lot Yes
  Making lots Visible to Bidders Yes
Bid Sheet — Global bid inputs Adding a new Global bid input Yes
  Editing a Global bid input Yes
Cost Calculation
Editing the Cost Calculation Yes
Event Settings Editing General Settings No
  Editing Feedback Settings No
  Editing Capacity Settings — Capacity limits No
  Editing Capacity Settings — Bidder-defined capacity limits No
  Editing Capacity Settings — Lot share capacity limits Yes