Excluding bids from feedback and scenario analysis

You can exclude specific bids from feedback and scenario analysis from the Management page.

This feature is particularly useful for:

  • Removing outlier bids or dummy bids that can skew analysis or feedback
  • Removing ineligible bids or bidders without deleting bid data
  • Removing simulated bidders that add value during analysis but should not impact actual bidder feedback. 

Feedback exclusions

  • Feedback exclusions only impact round-based feedback; current bid and winning status feedback are not impacted.
  • Feedback exclusions applied when round is closed will take effect in the next round and do not impact currently visible feedback.
  • Feedback exclusions applied when the current round is open impact the feedback that is currently visible to bidders.
  • Feedback exclusions only changes round-based feedback; it does not prevent a lot being awarded to a bidder.
  • Excluded bids do not see any round-based feedback and the bids do not impact the rank or difference to bid feedback of other bidders.

Feedback is informed by the bids from the preceding round.

Evaluation exclusions

  • Evaluation exclusions can only be applied when a round is closed.
  • Evaluation exclusions remove bids from scenario analysis and scenario-based reports.
  • Evaluation exclusions prevent a lot being awarded to a bidder but do not impact round-based feedback.

To exclude bids, download the Bid Exclusion Excel file, configure the file, and then upload the file to Sourcing Optimizer.

  1. Go to Bid > Management.
  2. In the Bid Exclusion area, click Download.
  3. Open the downloaded Excel file and configure the Exclude from Evaluation and Exclude from Feedback columns for each lot, as required.
    • To exclude the bid, select TRUE from the relevant dropdown.
  4. Save the Excel file.
  5. Upload the Excel file.
    1. Return to the Bid Exclusion area on the Management page of the Bid menu.
    2. Click Upload.
    3. Navigate to the location of the Excel file, select the file, and then click Open.

Figure 1. Bid exclusion

Sourcing Optimizer validates the file during the upload process; the file will be rejected if there are validation issues.