Evaluating scenarios

You can evaluate scenarios a number of different ways from different locations on the Scenario submenu.

Evaluating all scenarios at once

You can evaluate all scenarios at once on the Scenarios page.

Evaluate all scenarios
Figure 1. Evaluate all scenarios
  1. Go to Evaluate > Scenarios.
  2. In the top-right corner of the page, click Evaluate all scenarios.

Evaluating a scenario from the Scenarios table

You can evaluate individual scenarios from the Scenarios table on the Scenarios page.

Evaluate a scenario from the Scenarios table
Figure 2. Evaluate a scenario from the Scenarios table
  1. Go to Evaluate > Scenarios.
  2. In the Scenarios table, in the row of the scenario you want to evaluate, click Evaluate.

Evaluating a scenario from the Rules tab

You can evaluate a scenario from the Rules tab. This method can be useful when you are editing a scenario, adding new rules, or configuring existing rules.

Evaluate a scenario from the Rules tab
Figure 3. Evaluate a scenario from the Rules tab
  1. Go to Evaluate > Scenarios.
  2. In the Scenarios table, click the name of the scenario you want to evaluate.
  3. On the Rules tab, in the top-right corner of the page, click Evaluate.

If there is an issue when evaluating the scenario, Sourcing Optimizer displays a warning, and provides information to help resolve the issue.