When creating a new lot group, first add the lot group, then name the lot group, and finally, edit the lot group to apply filters to it. As you add filters to the lot group, the Filter results preview updates, showing you the lots in the lot group.
- Lot group details: Shows the name of, and the number of filters applied to, the lot group you are currently editing.
- Column: Provides a list of columns from your bid sheet that you can use to filter the lot group.
- Operator: Provides a list of operators you can use to filter the lot group.
The following operators are available for number and currency type columns:
- is
- is not
- less than
- less than or equal to
- greater than
- greater than or equal to
The following operators are available for text type columns:
- is
- is not
- contains
- Values: Provides a list of values from the selected column that you can use to filter the lot group.
- Add a filter: Click to add a filter to the lot group. You can add multiple filters.
To create a lot group, complete the following steps:
- Go to Evaluate > Lot Groups.
- Click Add a lot group.
- Rename the lot group.
- Click on the Edit icon next to New Lot Group.
- Enter a new name in the field.
- Click Save.
- In the right column, click Edit.
- Create a filter for the lot group.
- Click Add a filter.
- Select a column from the Column list.
- Select an operator from the Operator list.
- Enter a value in, or select a value from, the Values field, and press Enter.
- Optional: If you want to add another value, and it is permitted by the choice of operator, enter another value in the Values field, and press Enter.
- Click Save.
- Optional: Repeat Steps a-f to create additional filters.
You can edit, copy, or delete a filter by clicking its Actions icon at the right of the page.