Configuring split awards

To configure split awards, you must first enable the Split configuration setting. You can then set the minimum percentage of a lot a winning bidder must be awarded.

By default, the minimum share size is 10%. Ensure that you update this number if your event design or scenarios require a different minimum percentage share.

Enabling Split configuration

Figure 1. Enabling Split configuration

To enable the Split configuration setting and set the minimum share size, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Event > Settings.
  2. On the General tab, set the Split configuration toggle switch to ON.
  3. Enter the minimum percentage of a lot a bidder must be awarded in the Minimum share size field

Configuring split awards for individual lots

After enabling the Split configuration setting, the Split Configuration page becomes available on the Design menu. On this page, you can configure the split award settings for individual lots. Additional split award options are available on this page.

Figure 2. Split Configuration page

To configure split award settings for individual lots, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Design > Split Configuration.
  2. For each lot that you are configuring a split award for, select the type of split award you want to apply from the Splits list.
  3. If you selected Split into x awards, select the percentages you want the award split into from the lists.
  4. Optional: To bulk configure the same percentage split award for multiple lots, select the checkboxes of the lots you want to apply the same percentage split award to, and then configure the Bulk set the selected lots settings above the table.