The General tab provides users with the ability to customize various event settings related to bidding, design, and notifications. This tab allows users to make adjustments and changes to these settings according to their specific preferences and requirements.
Bidding Method
Select how bidders submit their bids.
- Online using Sourcing Optimizer: Bidders can only submit their bids online using Sourcing Optimizer.
- Offline using an Excel file: Bidders can only submit their bids by downloading an Excel file, populating it, and then uploading it to Sourcing Optimizer.
- Using either: Bidders can submit their bids online using Sourcing Optimizer or by uploading an Excel file.
Volume Discounts
Allow bidders to offer discounts on awarded groups of lots.
If you enable this setting, bidders can provide discounts on a group of lots if they are awarded all of the lots, or a specific number of lots, in that group.
Bidders can offer multiple tiered discounts of different proportionate values based on two different criteria:
- Number of lots awarded: Bidders offer a discount subject to being awarded a specific number of lots.
- Expected turnover: Bidders offer a discount subject to being awarded a certain value of turnover.
- Volume: Bidders can offer a discount subject to being awarded a certain amount of volume.
Split configuration
Allow shares of individual lots to be awarded to multiple bidders. Use the Minimum share size field to set the minimum percentage of a lot a bidder must be awarded.
After you enable Split configuration, the Split Configuration submenu becomes available in the Design menu. For more detailed information, see Split configuration overview and Configuring split awards.
Minimum bid decrement
Require that bidders improve their bid values when submitting bids.
The minimum bid decrement is the minimum amount by which a bidder must reduce their current bid.
- In an RFQ event, the bid decrement is applied to the results of the previous round.
- In an Auction event, the bid decrement is applied to each value submitted.
To enable this setting, you must first assign the Bid decrement role to a column on the Columns tab of the Bid Sheet page.
After you enable this setting, select how the bids satisfy the decrement in the Bids must satisfy the decrement on section.
- All lots: The bidder must meet the minimum decrement for each lot.
- At least one lot: The bidder must meet the minimum decrement for at least one lot.
- Sum across all lots: The bidder must adjust the bid value for one or more lots so that the total adjustment is at least the sum of the minimum bid decrements for all the lots.
Then, select how the decrement is calculated in the Calculate decrement based on section.
- Current lot bid: The decrement is based on the bidder’s current bid.
- Next ranked lot bid: The decrement is based on the next-ranked lot bid relative to the bidder.
- First ranked lot bid: The decrement is based on the first-ranked lot bid.
- Winning lot bid: The decrement is based on the lot bid that is currently winning.
Partial bids
Allow bidders to submit bids without populating every mandatory bid sheet column.
Scenario evaluations exclude partial bids.
Zero bidding
Allow bidders to submit bids that are less than or equal to zero according to the cost formula.
Bid increase
Allow bidders to submit bids that are less competitive than their previous bid.
Bid change limit
Limit the bid value difference allowed between bids. Use the Maximum change field to set the maximum percentage value that a bid can change by.
Bidders can exceed the Maximum change limit to meet bid decrement rules.
Bid withdrawal
Allow bidders to remove bids that have already been submitted.
Finished bidding status
Allows Bidders to indicate that they have finished bidding.
The Finished bidding status is disabled by default. The purchaser may enable this setting before publishing the event. The purchaser can modify the setting by toggling it ON or OFF from the Event settings menu. When the Finished bidding status is enabled, Bidders can indicate that they have finished their bidding. A Bidder can also resume bidding by clicking on the Resume bidding button.
A purchaser can utilize this feature to review the status of Bidders and differentiate between those who are actively bidding and those who have completed their bidding. The bidding status can be observed in the "Status" column on the Bidders page.
Notifications can be toggled on or off to allow for communication for certain actions. As a default, all notifications are set to off and will need to be toggled on in order to send and receive notifications.
Bidder notifications
Send notification to bidders for the following updates:
- Round announcement: Notify bidders when a new round is scheduled
- Bid upload processed: Notify bidders when their uploaded bids have been processed
Blocked bidders are not notified.
Purchaser notifications
Receive notifications for the following updates:
- Invitation rejected: Receive an email when a bidder contact rejects an event invitation
- Bid submitted: Receive an email when a bidder successfully submits a bid
- Round announcement: Receive an email when a new round is scheduled