Feedback tab

The Feedback tab features configurable event settings relating to bidder feedback.

Before you can configure certain types of feedback, you must first assign specific column roles. For additional information, see Assigning a column role.

Feedback can also be provided to bidders using feedback columns. Feedback columns offer additional configurable settings, such as visibility options, bid source options, and the ability to base the feedback on specific columns. For additional information, see Adding a feedback column.

Traffic light feedback

Traffic light feedback provides bidders with a color-based visual indicator — green, amber, or red — of how they are performing on lots based on their bid data.

You can select different traffic light feedback settings in the Base traffic light colour on section. If you are using target-based traffic light feedback, you must assign the Target column role to the column containing the target values. For additional information, see Traffic light feedback and target rates.

  • Each bidder’s rank on each lot: The feedback is based on the bidder’s rank.
  • Each bidder’s rank on each lot after they meet the target: The feedback is based on the bidder’s rank once the target is met. If the target isn’t met, a red light is displayed.
  • Proximity to the first-ranked bid: The feedback is based on how close the bid is to the first-ranked bid.
  • Proximity to the target: The feedback is based on how close the bid is to the target.

Click Change rank brackets to configure different ranking parameters for the green and amber lights. If you are setting rank-based traffic light feedback, the numbers entered in the green and amber rank brackets refer to the bidder's rank on lots. If you are setting proximity-based traffic light feedback, the numbers in the rank brackets refer to the percentage difference to the lowest bid, or to the bid target.

Change rank brackets window
Figure 1. Change rank brackets window
Traffic light — Bidder view
Figure 2. Traffic light — Bidder view

Winning status

Tell bidders whether or not they are winning each lot. For auction events, the feedback is based on real-time results; for RFQ events, the feedback is based on results from the previous round. Winning bids are marked with a green star and losing bids are marked with a gray x.

Winning status — Bidder view
Figure 3. Winning status — Bidder view

Winning share

Tell bidders the percentage share of each lot they are winning.

Winning bid value

Tell bidders the value of their bid for each lot they are winning. This setting is only available for RFQ events.

Winning bid value — Bidder view
Figure 4. Winning bid value — Bidder view

Toggling on Winning status, Winning share or Winning bid value on the will display the winning outcomes to the bidders before the event is closed.

Evaluated bid

Tell bidders their bid value used in the most recent evaluation for each lot.

Evaluated bid - Bidder view
Figure 5. Evaluated bid — Bidder view

The bid value includes bonus/malus adjustments and scenario bid adjustments.

Lot rank

Tell bidders their rank on each lot.

Lot rank - Bidder view
Figure 6. Lot rank — Bidder view

Global rank

Rank bidders by the sum of all of their lot bids. To be eligible for ranking, bidders must bid on all lots. Use the Maximum number of winners field to set the maximum number of winners in the event. This setting is only available for auction events.

Absolute difference to next rank

Tell bidders the exact difference between their bid and the next-ranked bid for each lot.

Absolute difference to next rank — Bidder view
Figure 7. Absolute difference to next rank — Bidder view

Percentage difference to next rank

Tell bidders the percentage difference between their bid and the next-ranked bid for each lot.

Percentage difference to next rank — Bidder view
Figure 8. Percentage difference to next rank — Bidder view

Absolute difference to first rank

Tell bidders the exact difference between their bid and the first-ranked bid for each lot.

Percentage difference to first rank

Tell bidders the percentage difference between their bid and the first-ranked bid for each lot.

Reserve met

Tell bidders if their bid meets the reserve for each lot. If you want to use Reserve met feedback, you must assign the Reserve column role to the reserve prices column in your bid sheet. For additional information, see Reserve feedback.

A blue and gray, color-based system indicates to bidders if the reserve for each lot has been met; blue indicates that the reserve has been met and gray indicates that the reserve has not been met.

Reserve met — Bidder view
Figure 9. Reserve met — Bidder view

Global reserve met

Tell bidders if any bidder has submitted a bid which meets the reserve for each lot. If you want to use Global reserve met feedback, you must assign the Reserve column role to the reserve prices column in your bid sheet. The same blue and gray, color-based system used for Reserve met feedback is also used for Global reserve met feedback.

Bid improvement

Tell bidders the value of the bid that they must meet or outperform for each lot for the bid to be acceptable. If you want to use Bid improvement feedback, you must first assign the Bid decrement column role to a column with the minimum bid decrement value for each lot. This value is subtracted from the bid value to derive the value displayed in the Maximum Next Bid column.

Bid improvement — Bidder view
Figure 10. Bid improvement — Bidder view

Current bid

Tell bidders the value of their current bid for each lot as calculated by the primary cost calculation.

Current bid — Bidder view
Figure 11. Current bid — Bidder view