Online and offline options

Before you create your RFI, note that some configuration options and capabilities are only available online within Sourcing Optimizer. Table 1 lists the options that are available offline using the Keelvar RFI Design template and the options that are only available online using Sourcing Optimizer.  

Table 1. RFI configuration: Online and offline options
Options Online Offline
Create questions Yes Yes
Add question descriptions Yes Yes
Configure the response type Yes Yes
Configure options for single and multi-choice questions Yes Yes
Configure the question type Yes Yes
Configure sub-questions Yes Yes
Enable optional comments Yes Yes
Specify if question has supporting documents Yes Yes
Configure unique identifier Yes Yes
Configure question categories Yes Yes
Upload a supporting reference document for a question Yes No
Specify correct answer for single-choice gating questions Yes No
Specify minimum and maximum values for number or currency questions Yes No
Configure when bidders can submit RFI response or updates Yes No