On the Events page, you can copy an existing event to make a new event copy. Copying an event can be a useful way of maintaining event designs, transferring bidder information and lot structure, and duplicating scenarios across similar or consecutive events.

When copying an event, you can name the new event copy, select the types of event data and information you want to copy from the existing event, and choose the status of the event copy. After you copy the event, you can further edit and update the event as required.
To copy an event, complete the following steps:
- On the Events page, navigate to the event you want to copy.
- On the event, click the Actions icon, and then click Copy.
- In the Copy event area, configure the copy settings.
- In the Event name field, enter a name for the event copy.
- Under Data to copy, select the checkboxes of the event data that you want to copy.
- Under Copy as, click the status for the event copy.
- Click Copy.