You can use the Rate Finder to search for available rates.
Available rates are displayed in the Select rates area of the Rate Finder; if rates are available, suppliers who have provided the rates are listed in the Availability column.
To search for available rates, complete the following steps:
- In Fulfillment Optimizer, click Rate Finder.
- Select the Origin location.
- In the Origin field, enter the city name, UNLOCODE or IATA code for the location, port, or airport. A list of available locations updates as you type.
- Select the location from the list.
- Select the Destination location.
- In the Destination field, enter the city name, UNLOCODE or IATA code for the location, port, or airport. A list of available locations updates as you type.
- Select the location from the list.
- Click Search.
- In the Select rate card area, select the required rate card.
- In the Select rates area, select the checkboxes of items that have available rates, and click View details.
The rate details and information are displayed.