Bot chat window

You can use the Bot chat window to interact with your Bot. A Bot chat window can be opened from the Bot menu and the Autonomous Sourcing page. You can have multiple Bot chat windows open for different requests or actions at the same time. Bot chat windows can be minimized and expanded.

Bot chat window
Figure 1. Bot chat window
  1. Chat details: This area displays the details of the Bot chat. It lists the Sourcing Request Reference, the current action, the event type, the origin and destination of the shipment, and the email address of the requester.
  2. Minimize: Click to minimize the Bot chat window and pin the chat to the bottom of the screen. This icon changes to a Maximize icon when the window is minimized.
  3. Expand: Click to pop out and expand the chat window. This icon changes to a Collapse icon when the window is expanded.
  4. Close: Click to close the Bot chat window.
  5. Chat area: This area displays your chat with the Bot. Each interaction is timestamped.
  6. Response area: Use this area to respond to and interact with the Bot.